6.11 Target-specific Variable Values====================================Variable values in `make' are usually global; that is, they are thesame regardless of where they are evaluated (unless they're reset, ofcourse). One exception to that is automatic variables (*note AutomaticVariables::). The other exception is "target-specific variable values". Thisfeature allows you to define different values for the same variable,based on the target that `make' is currently building. As withautomatic variables, these values are only available within the contextof a target's recipe (and in other target-specific assignments). Set a target-specific variable value like this: TARGET ... : VARIABLE-ASSIGNMENT Target-specific variable assignments can be prefixed with any or allof the special keywords `export', `override', or `private'; these applytheir normal behavior to this instance of the variable only. Multiple TARGET values create a target-specific variable value foreach member of the target list individually. The VARIABLE-ASSIGNMENT can be any valid form of assignment;recursive (`='), static (`:='), appending (`+='), or conditional(`?='). All variables that appear within the VARIABLE-ASSIGNMENT areevaluated within the context of the target: thus, anypreviously-defined target-specific variable values will be in effect.Note that this variable is actually distinct from any "global" value:the two variables do not have to have the same flavor (recursive vs.static).
6.11 目的特定的变量值
====================================make中的变量的值通常是全局的,那就是说,它们无论在何被解析,都有相同的值(当然,除非它们被重新设定了)。一个例外是全局变量(*note Automatic Variables::)
目的特定的变量赋之可以被用export ,override,或者 private之类的特殊关键字来做前缀; 这些仅仅作用于此变量的当前实例。
VARIABLE-ASSIGNMENT 可以是任何有效的变量赋值;递归(=),静态(:=),连接(+=),或者条件式(?=)。所有的在 VARIABLE-ASSIGNMENT 中出现的变量都是在目的的上下文中被解析:因此,任何之前定义的目的特定的变量值都将有效。注意这个值和全局值彼此独立:这两个不需要保持同样的风格(递归 vs 静态)